How To Have A Weight Loss Plan You Can Be Proud Of

How To Have A Weight Loss Plan You Can Be Proud Of

Blog Article

I am sure that you would have noticed that when the dog gets sick, it lies down to rest and looses appetite. It is easy as an analytical person to get into your comfort zone. Drinking carries quite a few risks to healthy living.


As a pediatrician, I frequently counsel patients of all ages about nutrition and exercise. While I am passionate about the topic of healthy living, I realize the need to be simple and concise in my initial advice. Over the years I have come up with my 5 easy rules for eating healthy. These guidelines are appropriate for all people starting with school-aged children to adults. Most importantly, I stress these are healthy eating guidelines for people of all shapes and sizes. Overweight people tend to lose weight following the rules while underweight, 'dieting' teens and young adults tend to be less restrictive and learn how to eat more intuitively. In other words, the combination of eating healthy and exercising inevitably leads over time to a weight that is healthy for that individual person.

If you are a health expert, or would like to add additional information for a future article on this topic, then please consider all this and shoot me an email.

When you don't believe, you simply "do." It is a frustrating concept, especially for analytical people, because they want to have a simple set of rules. It is easy as an analytical person to get into your comfort zone. Find an equation that spits out a number of calories. Get a ratio of Healthy living advice foods protein carbs fat right? Then you have that exact formula and you are ready to go. Unfortunately, if it were that simple, more people would be sharing their success story (and their formulas) with everyone else.

The fact is that it is not the calorie or the formula or the ratio that determines your success. Fun healthy habits It is you. Whether you are on a high protein, low fat, no-sugar, or other program, your success will be determined by the level of your belief. I have witnessed people achieve success using many different nutrition styles, and the common element that linked their success was belief. If you asked them, "Will you lose your weight," they would reply, "Absolutely." If you cannot state that without confidence, it is time to find something you can believe in ... and more often than not, it will not be a new program, but you. Believe in you.

Get back support: When you are pregnant, your body weight is going to be distributed a little unevenly, and you may experience a great deal of back pain if you do not plan for it, and give your body some support and a boost. One of the best things you can do for yourself when pregnant is buy a lumbar support to strap on your chair at work and at home. This will mean far fewer headaches from strained muscles, less lower back pain, and overall a more comfortable musculature.

No. 5. It was once said by Hippocrates the father of modern medicine that, 'Walking Is Mans Best Medicine'. (I am sure he also meant Women - I certainly do) So if food is your medicine you eat, this must be the best medicine to perform. This is true because walking balances the whole system of mind and body.

These 5 guidelines are just a start. In the following weeks, I will look at each topic in depth and give more specific advice. Until then, work on following the above rules and you will soon feel healthier.

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